Home > About Us > Our Rebrand

Why Rebrand?

1. The Problem

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Your name is your first impression. A good name tells your story in an instant and gives audiences an immediate understanding of who you are and what you stand for.

Sometimes a name can limit your mission.

Our Federation has undergone a profound and positive transformation over the past five decades. We’ve grown from being a philanthropic organization—raising and distributing funds—to providing a vast array of programs and services, all from within our new Levin JCC home. 

Today we are much more than the name “Federation” implies. In the fall of 2020, we said farewell and thank you to our previous name and embarked on a new brand story that encompasses ALL the GOOD we do today—and aspire to do—in the future.  

We have come a long way since an idea in a living room! We have grown by leaps and bounds and we needed a new name that could capture where we are now—and also where we want to go.

Our brand hierarchy was confusing, which was limiting our potential by:

  • Hindering engagement, giving, and awareness

  • Using our resources inefficiently

  • Inhibiting our growth

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 2. The Work

Our 2018 Strategic Plan revealed missed opportunities due to a confusing brand presence. Key staff members then worked with the Board, an external Task Force, and many people within our community to further define the confusion and work toward possible solutions. In this work, we identified three focus areas, under which all of our programs and services fall.

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With these focus areas in mind, we set out to create an updated brand that was impactful enough to embrace all three components of our mission under one, unified name.

3. The Timeline


4. The Result

The next era of our organization was revealed at our Annual Meeting on October 18, 2020.  We’ve grown and changed, but our mission remains the same. Our new brand tells that story. 

Smaller name. Clearer purpose. We are Jewish for Good.

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Rebranding FAQs


One Purpose. One Brand.
We’re a community organization founded on Jewish values and an ambitious goal to do good and spread good both locally and abroad.

Why we love our new name.
We’ve always been about doing good. Now our name embodies our mission. 

  • Jewish for Good is loaded in meaning. No tagline or explainer needed. 

  • “We’re Jewish for Good” elicits curiosity… “oh interesting, tell me more.” 

  • It speaks to the hearts and minds of everyone.

What does this mean for (program name)... Where did (program name) go?

All the programs you know and love are still here! We are not changing the scope of any of our programs or services, rather just better aligning our name with who we are and what we do. Curious about your favorite program? Check out the architecture of our organization here.

If I make a donation to Jewish for Good what does that support?  

The Annual Campaign is the most common way to philanthropically support Jewish for Good. It is through this support that we are able to provide opportunities that deepen Jewish connections, knowledge, and relations to Israel, while helping those in need through the various programs and services we offer.  

But what about our connections to the broader, national organizations? 

This change does not adjust anything! Our staff providing social work and clinical services remains affiliated with the Network of Jewish Human Services Agencies. The entire team continues to connect and gain resources from the Jewish Center Community Association. And we maintain relationships with various communities and staff working with the Jewish Federations of North America.  

Sooo, where is my Fitness Membership at?  

When you join with a Fitness Member you become a member of The Health & Wellness Center of Jewish for Good.  

What happens to the Levin JCC? 

The Levin JCC is not going anywhere—it becomes the central location where all of our programs happen. That means it still makes sense to say I am going to the J.    

Do you have more questions about our rebrand or what it means for you? Contact us! We would be happy to hear from you.